Wednesday, August 24, 2011

hover house

Situated on the Venice Canals of Los Ange les, Cal i for nia, Hover House 3 rep re sents the third in Glen Irani Archi tects Hover House series. This series focuses on max i miz ing out door liv ing on small lots by ‘hov er ing’ the build ing enve lope above the grade level in order to cre ate space for out door liv ing envi ron ments. This series pro poses that inte rior liv ing space be reduced in favor of less resource-​​intensive out door liv ing ameni ties. As mate r ial and labor costs increase in the com ing decades, increas ing out door func tion al ity while decreas ing indoor area in tem per ate cli mate zones is one solu tion to the ris ing cost and over-​​consumption of build ing resources.



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