Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Big Yellow Rabbit

Florentijn Hofman created this totally cool larger than life sculpture of a yellow bunny which appears to have been dropped in the center of the town square in Orebro, Sweden. The Big Yellow Rabbit is a temporary 13 meter high sculpture. It's a enlarged cuddle toy made out of swedish products thrown against the statue of Engelbrekt. Via Design Don't Panic.

-priscilla giler

casa hill plain


house in St. Helena

Butler Armsden Architects designed an impressive looking modern home in St. Helena, Napa Valley, California. Using a highly contemporary approach, the designers aimed at creating a home suited for a retired couple.


worklouge 03- + OUVI: SHN

tokyo-based design practices worklounge 03- and OUVI have shared with us images of 'SHN', 
a two-storey private dwelling in a commuter's suburb in nagoya city, japan. drawing from the nature 
of the site, the design seeks to create a series of interconnected spaces by arranging its interior layout 
in a way that resembles a necklace. 


Aigina Island, Greece

Created by the brilliant Konstantinos Kontos. We love how the architecture has a sort of post-modern, Greek architectural look, and how the building was made to serve the landscape. Really modern and stunning.


a lightweight, rugged and exceptionally flexible lighting system, "designed to last many generations." 

interior design by chris rossi studio

Graphic and interior designer Chris Rossi, founder of chris rossi studio created this masterpiece in venice, california. Chris Rossi Studio is a multi-disciplinary design studio focusing on, but not limited to Interior Design and Graphic Design. The studio is currently based in Tampa, Florida. Project locations range from local projects to nationwide.  All projects are individually approached according to client needs and direction.

Visit her site for more awesomeness!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Peep Cabinets by Håkan Johansson

Random Holes Help Navigate Interiors of the Peep Cabinet byHåkan Johansson of Zweed.

By peering into the peepholes, we are shown a quick look at the color and contents stored within each cabinet. The exterior color options come in a plentiful variety - white, silver, black, brown, gold or blue - and the lacquered MDF, six-door, one-drawer unit comes in custom colors as well. Standing tall on its poised four legs, the unit measures in at 36.5”H x 43”W x 13.5”D.


duplex by a-cero

This futuristic looking apartment is a duplex rehabilitation project recently completed by A-cero Architects in Galicia, Spain. Here is an excerpt from the official architects’ description: “The wide entrance hall distributes, on the one hand, the most public area, composed by a big dining room and, on the other side, a courtesy w.c, a bedroom in-suite with a finished bathroom that can be for guests or for service and the kitchen. On the opposite side, there are the sculptural stairs that will lead us to the most private stays. In the living room, as in the rest of the house, the white colour is the protagonist. Only some elements like the lacquered black wood console by “A-cero in”, the Ace model couches, also by “A-cero in” upholstered in velvet champagne tone, break this white monochromia.

dreamhost in california

Like other tech companies with a young and dynamic workforce, the web-hosting company Dreamhost wanted a work environment that would be easily adaptable to nonwork functions. In the modern business culture, a new profit initiative is as likely to be hatched over a cup of green tea or a game of ping-pong as in a formal meeting room. At the company’s new headquarters in Brea, California, the footprint of the existing building offered attractive potential for creating vistas of space and light.

nakano house


rutherford house


Monday, August 29, 2011

Alte Schule Winterbach

German studio Archifaktur has inserted felt-lined caves and green-floored playrooms into the loft of a 1930s primary school (photographs by Zooey Braun).

The Skywave house

Anthony Coscia, principal in Coscia Day Architecture and Design, created for himself and his wife a 2,250 square foot home on a 40 ft wide suburban lot in the artistic neighbour hood of Venice, Los Angeles, in California.


prizm house

Two levels and lots of volumes.

villa 4.0

Dutch architect Dick van Gameren has converted a family house outside Hilversum by punching three faceted skylights through the roof and driving a corridor through the middle.

house by cooper joseph studio

This modern home was designed by Cooper Joseph Studio and is located in the Dry Creek Valley near Sonoma, California. According to the architects, it is spread on three levels and its total surface is 850 square feet.

asia only black eames lounge chair

From Zeeland, Michigan, the famous “Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman” was born. Today, this masterpiece has been exhibited at major museums such as the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Smithsonian Institution and the Whitney Museum.
Expect everything you’d expect. Graced in black premium leather and finely crafted in black plywood framing, Herman Miller has exclusively released a limited Asia edition of this industrial icon. Limited to 100 pieces, the chair also generously comes with a limited edition framed poster. Priced at 854,700 Yen, customers in Japan can soon honor the true craftsmanship of this chair thanks to Herman Miller.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

bag storage by workiture

Workiture, a Grand Rapids, MI-based company, is looking at a overlooked problem in a whole new way. For people who work as much from their bags as from their desk, Workiture provides perfectly-designed solutions for bag storage. One is called el, the other, Flip. Learn more about Workiture and what they offer at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

my new polaroid land camera

In my eternal quest for a digital camera, instead of focusing (no pun!) on researching what my new digital camera is going to be, I waste time buying (and creating) low res cameras.
This is my new Polaroid Land Camera 1000 (OneStep) that uses the SX-70 film. It's brand new from the 1970's. Love it. Now I have to go to the impossible project to buy some film!

Tribal DDB office

Tribal DDB Amsterdam is a highly ranked digital marketing agency and part of DDB international, worldwide one of the largest advertising offices. i29 interior architects designed their new offices for about 80 people.

Loft Lloydkwartier

We love how they combined a bold, show-stopping element like the rainbow wall with an over-sized, natural stone material for some of the flooring and walls. It makes for a far out, 1970s kind of feel. Exposed beams, wood tones and a simple furniture plan completes this awesome look

A Cabin in a Loft in Brooklyn

Conceived of as houses within houses, the cabin and treehouse serve as private sleeping cabins, each with its own semi-private garden set off from the shared living space.
The cabins are located in a former textile factory building with exposed brick walls and large windows. Rather than building floor-to-ceiling walls to divide the apartment into two bedrooms, the pitched roof of the cabin and elevated floor of the treehouse maintain the openness and character of the loft while also allowing sunlight to fill the entire space. As a result, living in the space can feel like living outdoors, in a small community of two houses. Windows in the cabin and treehouse ventilate the rooms and offer views to the rest of the apartment. The large entrances to both cabins, set slightly back from the building’s windows, look out to the sky and down the street.


Studio ST

Color palettes are light, airy with hints of bright color. Furnishings are sparse, uncluttered and clean. Material choices are modern, fresh and also a little fun — these aren’t stuffy spaces, but spaces anyone could feel comfortable in.

millbrook house

great rusted fence!

Ninety7 @ Siglap

The “Ninety7 @ Siglap” house was designed by Aamer Archi tects and is located in Sin ga pore. The design is said to be inspired by the mag nif i cent views that can be observed from atop Siglap Hill. 


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rhino Chair

Maximo Riera's beautifully crafted Rhino Chair. Via Design Don't Panic.

-priscilla giler

villa 3s

great looking house on a hilly lot.

olot's eye center

that's what I call "eye candy" :)

hover house

Situated on the Venice Canals of Los Ange les, Cal i for nia, Hover House 3 rep re sents the third in Glen Irani Archi tects Hover House series. This series focuses on max i miz ing out door liv ing on small lots by ‘hov er ing’ the build ing enve lope above the grade level in order to cre ate space for out door liv ing envi ron ments. This series pro poses that inte rior liv ing space be reduced in favor of less resource-​​intensive out door liv ing ameni ties. As mate r ial and labor costs increase in the com ing decades, increas ing out door func tion al ity while decreas ing indoor area in tem per ate cli mate zones is one solu tion to the ris ing cost and over-​​consumption of build ing resources.


Damilano Studio Architects

great horizontal space!

range life table

furnishings become monumental when viewed from a child’s vantage point. fond memories of playing under coffee 
tables provided a point of departure for the 'range life' series by japanese born american-based designer jonah takagi. 
derived from architectural models (such as from german architect mies van der rohe), this one of a kind coffee table 
brings grand forms normally found in exteriors into the comfort of your living space. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

pets on furniture by modernica

Modernica is back with its famous Pets On Furniture Contest!
This weekly contest will be open for submissions until each Thursday at midnight. All submissions from the week will be submitted into the following Monday's contest. The winner of the contest will be determined by popular vote. Each weekly winner will be announced on Friday. And each weekly winner will receive a Case Study Mini Wire Table in your choice of white or black.

To vote access Modernica's blog, view and vote for your favorite Pet on Furniture image.

thank you cards for design-milk

I did these cards for Jaime @ design-milk. I think they came out great! She used igloo letterpress to get them done.

ICU architects office: yo

tokyo-based practice ICU architects office (naoyuki nagata) has shared with us images of 'yo', 
a small private dwelling on a wooded site 30 minutes outside of kanazawa city, japan.
heavily influenced by the lush quality of the immediate landscape, the design aims to create 
a space that captures the chromatic elements of the changing seasons. 

Massive KAWS Collection

With the help of Brandon Shigeta, Ronnie Pirovino has documented a large portion of his KAWS collection, what is believed to be amongst the most complete in the world. 

Home in Kasuga, Japan

Welcome to a home that pays tribute to minimalist and ingenious Japanese architecture design. House in Hikarimachi was designed by Japanaese studio Rhythmdesign and is located in the neighborhood of Kasuga, Japan. 


japanese practice horibe naoko architect office has sent us images of 'adzuki', a small three-storey 
private residence for a single family in himeji-shi, hyogo, japan. situated on a plot measuring a little over
80 m2, the exceptionally compact design seeks to establish an open sense of space by carefully
arranging rooms around an interior courtyard. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

a project: digilomo

This is a small project that I'm going to be doing... some kind of digital lomography camera. Walnut, aluminum and glass with a old olympus OM series lens. stay tuned for more details in the near future.

tabletop by up studio

TableTop explores the concept of contextual contradiction. By allowing both the existing 1960's suburban ranch typology and the new addition to live free of stylistic constraints, the project enjoys true contextual harmony.  The rotated forms allowed for intimate terraces and the boxes house a lounge and a gym. These forms were oriented on the TableTop to allow for maximum views of the property, passive solar strategies and to allow for exterior spaces to be occupied.  Those are now their favorite places in the home.


the k house

Designed by Ash ton Rag gatt McDougall (ARM), the K house is located at Surf Coast Vic to ria, Aus tralia. The house was named by the first let ter laconic own ers’ names. By the way, the shape of the house and had some items in the shape of the let ter “K “. Although the facade is made with sim ple mate ri als gray inte ri ors look brighter, thanks to the large amount of painted sur faces with a cherry-​​red color. The inte rior design is an inter est ing stand, where own ers hold col lec tion of 5,000 books and is also a small par ti tion. As a whole, the res i dence of K is a unique exam ple of mod ern archi tec ture.


office conversion for luxbau company

austrian firm synn architekten has completed 'office conversion for luxbau company' located in hainfeld, austria. a tapering streamlined
hallway provides a vibrant link and spatial convenience to the previously empty gap. employees were typically required to walk outdoors 
for an uncomfortable distance when daily communication was needed. instead of entirely new construction, the chosen sustainable solution 
supports the companies established philosophy for problem solving. solely adding a connecting corridor with supplementary renovations 
to a villa and existing office building allows the two main volumes remain in their original state.

paysage culinaire

sébastien cluzel, an industrial design student at the school of art and design in saint-etienne has created
'culinary landscape / paysage culinaire', a kitchen workstation that seeks to question and reinterpret our
interactions with food and its preparation. 

solo houses

chile based pezo von ellrichshausen architects has completed the first home for this year's solo houses series. 
now an annual initiative, emerging prominent architecture firms are tasked with encapsulating their design philosophies 
within a 200 m2 vacation home. innovation and creativity are limitless providing designers with an opportunity to propose 
ideal structures with viable budgets.

Zamel House

Here is a modern contemporary home with an appearance that instantly makes one think of long sunny days by the beach. Zamel House was designed by Kontrast Arquitectura and is located in a picturesque landscape, in Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

lucky sticky pad holder

lucky will keep all your sticky pad notes to hand.

love from midmodredo

Lesley at midmodredo has a great blog about the renovation/restoration of her Arapahoe acres home: a 1955 MidCentury Modern home in Arapahoe Acres, a historic neighborhood in the Denver metro area. She is also a big fan of BlueAntStudio and has some of our posters nicely framed in her house.
Thanks again Lesley!

visit her site today!