Wednesday, May 25, 2011

montjuic pavilion

In Barcelona, SPAIN, although municipal regulations make building on Montjuic – the mountain between the city and the sea – almost impossible, the Barcelona municipality is nonetheless keen to incorporate this green area into the city’s leisure network. The only way to do so is by re-using and revitalizing existing structures in order to give new initiatives a place. A recent example is the conversion of the Miramar building. It dates from the 1970s and is a well known point of reference in the city, visible from far away. When the restaurant it housed was recently converted into a Chinese one, it was up to the Italian-Portugese team of Federico Calabrese, Fabio Ferone and Joana Carvalho to safeguard the quality of at least the exterior spaces of the complex and of the transformation of the upper part.


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