Monday, August 9, 2010


Having designed many houses on small lots in and around Brisbane under the current small lot code, BASE has identified many elements that essentially drive the design of these houses. The small lot code has been written in such a way that it inhibits the resolution being bulky and over shadowing to the neighboring properties, which is strongly supported by our practice. This particular house embodies many of these attributes whilst at the same time justifying the existence of other parameters as outlined in the single unit dwelling code.

BASE have designed houses on almost all combinations of small lot configurations from corner lots, flat lots, sloping lots (front to back) and (back to front) and also side falls. In the case of the Small street house being a site that slopes both from front to the back and across the site, it offers many opportunities to explore the spatial relationships proven across a mixture of levels and functions within the house whilst at the same time exploring the close relationships that exist on the adjoining lots.

click here for more-joel


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