Monday, June 9, 2008


the home port collections

made in china limited


Flickr finder

click title for more!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

flickr finder

click title for more!



eye leds installations

zebrano architects

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are big in.... Miami!

Blueantstudio or better, blueartstudio made it to our local Magazine of modern everything. Home Miami (click title for more)
Thanks to Jillian Mills for the shout out!

For more "we are big in..." series, click here, here, here, and here




Broadway Suites


Casa Aquino

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

glam table

I am happy to announce that the design "glam.table" for Krios Italia (texture:
Odoardo Fioravanti) from our friend Matthias Demacker is nominated for the grandesignaward 2008.

The formerly known biennial Prize “Grandesign International Award” has become 2004 the “Grandesign - DesignEtico International Award” in order to emphasize the engagement in the ethical context of the selected
and rewarded companies.
The final decision of the Jury will be held in autumn 2008.

Good luck Matthias!


Velvet Hammerschmidt